Great moments of Modern Mediumship vol 1 - Maxine Melleur

Author and editor Maxine Meilleur has collected more than 200 of the most interesting and intriguing cases in the annals of mediumship and psychical research, summarizing each one in what amounts to something of an encyclopedia of the subject. I am unaware of any other single book containing more stories of evidential mediumship. An excellent primer for anyone not acquainted with the subject and a good refresher for those familiar with it. 

Michael Tymn 

Editor, The Journal for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies 

This is a flame-keeper’s anthology, focused on accounts of mediumistic practice in Spiritualism’s history - for its present-day practitioners. 

Marc Demarest, of Chasing Down Emma 

A great source of reference of the spiritual gifts made available by the world of Spirit. 

David Thompson, Pres. Edmonton Spiritualist Church, London 

A new gem in defining spiritualist history. A compelling read, written in a bright and lucid style. 

Rev. Leslie Saunders, San Diego CA 

Maxine Meilleur has captured the heart and soul of mediumship. Her comprehensive guide is a must read. 

Dr. Heather Harder, Author 

A very interesting collection of extraordinary cases from a wide range of sources. A few I am not familiar with but I always find these cases fascinating and challenging, scientifically. Do keep up the good work.

Richard Broughton, Ph.D. President of the Society for Psychical Research